Sunday, January 21, 2007

Difference between Online and Broadsheet Newspaper

There's a lot of innovations in our world and one of them is the online newspaper. Modern newspaper all over the world are developing and running web newspapers. In online newspaper, you can easily update your news stories anytime. Another advantage of it is you can get any information from the net just by using your cellphone. It means online newspapers can reach more readers in multiple formats. You can easily get contact with the news and events you want to know world wide. What's good about the online newspaper, the editors can get feedback easily so they would know what are the informations the public needed.

Broadsheets is the largest of the newspaper formats. The typical size of a broadsheet is by long vertical pages (typically 22 inches). What is good about broadsheets is that you can bring it anywhere you wanted and you can keep it for some reasons like for example if you have projects you could use it, for clippings and for cutting out pictures.

It has both advantages and disadvantages. I think it depends on where are we going to use it like if you're going to present it to a projector, you can use the online newspaper. Since the popularity of the internet is wide spread, many people are enjoying towards it. But I think newspaper is more credible than the online newspaper knowing that net contains a lot of false information. Print media has a good reputation than the online newspaper.

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